This is pretty excellent. It’s a DIY keyboard with the aesthetics of an old manual typewriter.
what’s wonderful about this mod is that the IBM keyboard upon which this is based has a wonderful tactile quality- the clicks of the keys are phenomenally satisfying before the modification begins. Adding these keys would make it an orgasmic typing experience. I bet that typing instructor we had in HS would cream herself– what was her name?
how cool would the be to have this setup in your office?
What might be even cooler is the use the brass-rimmed buttons he mentions for the extra keys to create the entire set using an unusual font (italic? script?) and an offbeat background color. I bet we have some of those IBM keyboards in the office. Maybe I could kludge something together without the brass work (which adds a lovely level of detail, but I lack the tools and skill)
Damn, now it’s going to drive me nuts trying to think of that crazy bitch’s name.
If you had the old lady, it was “Chicken” Devine (nickname courtesy of my dad, who also had her). The young(er), on-her-way-to-spinsterhood-looking one was Sweeney. I had her for typing and notehand.
When I think that Pissstains (my guidance counselor) wouldn’t let me sign up for ecology, photography, or astronomy, but made me take accounting, psychology, and typing, it doesn’t suprise me that kids in the city don’t want to go to school.