i have very little to say about this. i was never a fan of wrestling. ever. i really can’t understand the appeal- why wouldn’t you just watch boxing?
anyway, this trading card makes me giggle. and for some reason i remember the name koko b ware. that really makes me giggle.
check out your favorites here: http://www.huskerhavswrestlingtradingcards.com/1987topps.htm
Have to say I was a pretty big wrestling fan for a while. That’s a great site- most of those cards made me laugh and I also enjoyed seeing some names that were true blasts from the past. Remember when we saw a bunch of wrestlers in the DC airport during the first CloseUp trip? I believe Hercules, Ted Dibiase and his bodyguard Virgil, among others were there. I think TL took a picture with a couple of them.
i don’t remember that at all. and for some reason, the entire concept of a flight from RI to DC is erased from my memory. Did we have fun on the flights?
TL? Who was TL?
I only remember waiting for the flight in the one room Providence airport (at the time), and that the first Close Up trip was my first time flying. I really don’t remember the flight at all, probably because it lasted all of an hour.
TL was the sister of a certain Woonsocket jailed jock . . .