last month we had a very large tree come down in a windstorm. i knew it would eventually come down, and there was a real risk that it would hit the house. it missed the door to the dog room by about three feet. it’s amazing that it didn’t take out the utility pole or the well, both of which were just a few degrees away as it fell. had the tree grown another year, it would have gone through part of the roof.
i’ve been chainsawing it up into pieces and have had to sharpen the saw twice already. it’s a big, hard tree. i haven’t begun the tortuous chore of splitting the wood yet, even though i have some cool axes, mauls and wedges. i’m not looking foward to that.
anyway, it tore up a few parts of the lawn as branches chewed up the turf.
so, i went to the local home center, grabbed a spreader, a few bags of seed (some regular turf, some low-sun) and some fertilizer. I hoed up the areas in question, and a few other spots where the rocky earty had slower the growth of grass. of course, i spent the entire afternoon pulling out stones and large rocks. apparently, the current yard was put in with about half an inch of arable earth. Below that, it’s nothing but chipped rock. every time i disturbed the earth, i pulled up rocks. it literally took all day to get the earth ready for the seeds.
I diligently spread the seed and the fertilizer and have been watering on days when it hasn’t been raining.
And last night when i went out, I found that the seeds really do work. There are thick sprouts of grass popping up where there are no stones (which is still all over he place). It’s really cool.
I know- it’s pretty boring. But I’ve never had the chance to grow anything. Last year’s tomatoes were eaten by rabbits and deer, so i’m slightly proud of this. I think I’ll pay a little more attention to the lawn now.
And I might even fertilize in the fall, as is recommended.
There is definitely a sense of self satisfaction in helping make things grow. Not as manly as planting grass, but I enjoy watering and watching C’s indoor plants grow for some reason. I also enjoy buying new ones to add to the flock.