Movie Rating:
He’s certainly a complex character. His life is a modern tragedy, and in watching the interviews with him, you can almost hear the voices in his head.
I lived for a couple of years not far from Brownsville, Brooklyn. Tyson grew up in one of the shittiest parts of New York, and it’s no surprise that he is who he is as a result.
I’m not sure how much the film shows what Iron Mike was during the 80s/90s, but it certainly helps him tell his story now that he’s down on his luck. Like the Playboy interview in the 90s, it’s a shocking look at a violent, depressing and truly tragic life.
There are few famous people I wouldn’t want to spend dinner or a drink with. However, I hope to never share the same room with Mike Tyson. He’s still out of control. And terribly frightening.
via to handbrake to the PS3. This was a very dark image. I’m not sure if it’s the encoding or the source material.