Anyone watch this?
Comedy Central is starting to get some decent, original shows. It’s not just the South Park and Daily Show network anymore.
It really makes me want to start making crank calls again. I used to really enjoy pretending to be WNRI calling people, or dialing Child World to ask if they had white gloves for sale as singles a la Michael Jackson. No, it wasn’t funny when I did it, but I was in elementary school, so who cares?!
Here’s a link to Jimmy Kimmel calling a paintgun place, pretending to be an effete assistant to the amazing twins.
EDIT: Sorry O. You’re right. I didn’t realize this show has existed since 2002. My bad. I only found it this week (that shows how lame I am!) five years after it premiered! I need to spend more time in front of the TV and less time eating! 🙂 I just read up on the show- wow- I really missed a lot. Did you ever listen to the Touchtone Terrorists? Seems like the sort of thing Nat would have given to Glen in Jr High. I remember hearing some of the calls years ago, maybe in Scouts? Well, I suppose it’ll be interesting if Lost in Transit ever makes it to a local cinema or cable.
What’s SportsCenter all about? Sounds interesting. Is that another Saturday Night Live spin-off?
EDIT2: Stern’s show. That’s where I heard this guy!
Hey, there’s a new show I discovered – it’s on this channel espn and it’s called SportsCenter.