Fred Thompson almost killed me!

Back in the late nineties I had a short stint working for the US Department of Labor. I was based in the most excellent National (US) Postal Museum (a Smithsonian!), adjacent to DC’s mighty fine Union Station (google: Diocletian Baths) , but I (of course) digress. My lunchtime ritual was to eat in Union Station’s ...

John McCain Ads 3

I’ve been running Google Adsense for a while, and I ocassionally get an ad for LEGO or for a video game console. That’s not surprising, because I like those things and I may have mentioned them. Today I saw an ad for John McCain on the site. Perhaps there’s one now. I’m not sure how ...

Fidel Castro is dead. Those images are pure Adobe magic.

Steven Spielberg couldn’t have done it better. Share this: