Finally, Cablevision called me back! Woo hoo! And the super helpful, if not interrupt prone, David turned my bandwidth on again. Apparently, sustained uploads and high levels of contention on the Cablevision network devices will cause this to cap happen. So, they can’t tell me how much I can use the Internet before this problem ...
Will Wright demo’ed his new game Spore today. Its the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen on a computer. Like everyone else in the room, I want it. Imagine being able to walk through the wardrobe every day of your life. On your laptop. Amazing. EDIT: Here’s the link. This was originally sent from my ...
The esteemed Mr Rather spoke to us today about history, news, his transition to HDNet, where he gets MacNeil-Lehrer-esque latitude to report what he wants, how he wants. While I love HDNet, I haven’t seen Dan’s show yet, so I can’t comment on it. I need to setup the Tivo with it ASAP. It is ...
Some good sessions. Some not so good. Kathy Sierra was much more insightful than I expected, and hugely more useful (albeit less trendy) than last year’s keynote (wasnt it craig of the list and jimmy of the wiki?) I found it to be the most useful session I’ve ever had here, and think ill try ...
I’m a phone geek. I don’t spend any money on them (the company provides me with one) but if I had to, I’d still buy a couple a year. More accurately, I’m a PDA geek. Ever since I had my first Merlin, The Electronic Wizard, I wished I could have an electronic device which was ...
I’m still not sure how this will help bloggers succeed, but I’m giving it a try. Seems like a poor man’s BlogBurst, or more accurately, an unpopular man’s BlogBurst. powered by performancing firefox Share this:
Check it: Why pay to send text messages when you can use services like these clowns offer. Free text messages. Yum. Of course, if probably subjects your friends to text spam, but who cares- at least it doesn’t mess me up! Share this:
Well, here’s another link. I don’t know what I’ve just sent to some stranger in Australia, but it might have been threatening or offensive. Regardless, I love the look and feel of this site. Anyone know any similar services in the States? It’s a whole new world since 9/11, so it’s probably not allowed. ...
Boogie’s Porn Blog is the personal webjournal of an adult pornographer. Its a random assortment of porn, rants, and celebrity news and nudity. You’ll find nude pics porn galleries and other things you’d expect at a porn blog. Its updated at random, depending on when the guards let me out of the straight jacket. The ...