It’s good to see that Val Kilmer really does have a sense of humor. I figured he would after making Real Genius and Top Secret! but I knew he had a sense of humor after he appeared as the voice of KITT! I hadn’t even heard of this SNL episode until recently. Enjoy (or don’t) ...
this priest has said that catholics who voted for obama should not receive communion. he’s rather see the nation completely disappear in financial ruin. idiot. this guy would have swung the hammer two thousand years ago nailing a hippie liberal into a tree on calvary. God bless North Carolina Share this:
Tivo announced today that you can now order a pizza with from your television. This is for people who are too lazy to pick up a phone (or who have fingers which are too fat to dial a phone) or for those who can’t work the Intertubes. what the f? can we get any fatter ...
walking through a shopping plaza parking lot last night, i saw something i’d forgotten about: cigarette piles you know these things: dense concentrations of (usually) a specific brand of cigarette butts in a parking lot. they’re left when some idiot dumps out his/her ashtray as they’re getting in/out of the car. is it so hard ...
so, i’ve loved my HP 8710w mobile workstation (a boring name for a notebook computer). i’ve had it since the beginning of the year, and it chugs along very well. it’s heavy, but powerful (just like me). photoshop, premier, video playback, visual studio, vmware, they all chug along nicely. it’s a good laptop, and i ...
Nearly completely randomly, I’m a finalist in a content being held by Plantronics to redefine “teleworkers” (or someone who routinely works outside the office). My suggestion, technomad, is one of ten finalists. Can you please vote for technomad at: You can vote once per day (per browser), and I’d be eternally grateful if you ...
i loved the old show. hasselhoff was such a giant puff, but the show was cool in a CHiPs-cool kinda way. this new thing is a piece of crap. writing is terrible. acting is worse. the premise still rocks, but it isn’t even like they’ve introduced cool technology or any cool twists even KITT isn’t ...
the conman maintains that this happened at brunswick, and there’s a chance that’s true, though i’m pretty sure this event happened at roller kingdom. regardless, i have a new toy. it’s a full size arcade cabinet running MAME, the arcade simulator. that means that just about every arcade game we played as kids can be ...