OMFG! Honda Civic Del Sol X-Wing Starfighter

I love anything related to Star Wars and I wish I owned this!  Screw the Bavarian Falcon, I want this! One Geek to Rule Them All Share this:

Engadget: Sega set to cease GD-ROM production, spells end for Dreamcast games

I had no idea that they were still making games for the Dreamcast. And I certainly had no idea about this NAOMI thing, although I’ve wanted to build a stand-up game console ever since I had a meeting in LA with a Variety dude who had an original Tron arcade game in his office.  He ...

I don't really know what to say

A projector shaped like R2D2. OMFG! Share this:

Merry Christmas! 3

I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas! Share this:

Merry Christmas, bike style

From the folks at Specialized Share this:


I’m still not sure how this will help bloggers succeed, but I’m giving it a try. Seems like a poor man’s BlogBurst, or more accurately, an unpopular man’s BlogBurst. powered by performancing firefox Share this:

Did I really see

a christmas ad for Target during NBC’s Heroes last night?! It’s only mid-November for chrissake! Share this:

Phone Guy

I don’t really understand what this is, but I admit to being an airport eavesdropper and listening to other people’s conversations. That’s what makes this equally addictive and revolting. I hate other people’s lives. But I am strangely prurient about them. Share this:

NY Times: When Maps Reflected Romance of the Road 1

This weekend I bought some 19th Century first edition Audubon prints at a local estate sale. They were a steal, and even after many years remain gorgeous pieces of naturalist art, as well as valuable collectibles. (There was also a Charles Bree Bald Eagle, which I’m quite excited about.) The family running the estate sale ...

More links: Send free text messages from your computer 1

Check it: Why pay to send text messages when you can use services like these clowns offer.  Free text messages.  Yum. Of course, if probably subjects your friends to text spam, but who cares- at least it doesn’t mess me up! Share this: